Parent comforting a child facing bullying

For some children, being open about their difficulties or asking for help is not easy. When bullying is involved, they may feel they are at fault. Sometimes, they may anticipate that there will be negative repercussions if they tell an adult about someone bullying them.

Changes in a child’s behaviour and body language do not necessarily indicate for certain that bullying is happening. However, the following signs will certainly tell you that something may be wrong.

Unexplained injuries;
Lost or broken possessions;
Low self-esteem;
A loss of friends;
Withdrawing from social situations;
Change in attitude or behaviour (typically for the worse);
Difficulty sleeping or bed-wetting;
Truanting or feigning sickness;
Declining grades and a lack of interest in school;
Self-destructive behaviour;
Refusal to talk about what is wrong.

If you notice these warning signs as being present in your child, intervention is needed. You can begin by  opening or improving your lines of honest communication with your child.

Related advice
For parents
Supporting a bullied child
Reporting to the school
Taking further action

For young people
Dealing with bullying
Dealing with cyber bullying
Where can I get help?